
It is imperative that agents have the necessary knowledge, integrity, competence, conduct, performance and professionalism to act in the best interests of our players.

The ACA Player Agent Accreditation Scheme was launched in October 2012. Under the Scheme, Accredited Agents are required to:

  • Comply with the current ACA Player Agent Accreditation Regulations a mandatory Code of Conduct;

  • Maintain a minimum level of professional indemnity insurance (currently $2 million);

  • Demonstrate a minimum level of knowledge of the Scheme and the player contracting framework (through completing an on-line examination);

  • Participate in ongoing education activities, as required; and

  • Undergo an application process, which includes a National Police Check and a valid Working With Children Certificate.

Under the MOU, CA, State Associations and W/BBL Teams have agreed that (with limited exceptions), they will only deal with agents who have been accredited under the Scheme in discussions for playing contracts or CA Marketing Contracts.

The Scheme is operated by the ACA and overseen by an Accreditation Board, consisting of two ACA nominees, one CA nominee and two nominees agreed between CA and the ACA.

Once applicants for accreditation become Accredited Agents, their names and business contact details will be posted on this website.

For any questions regarding the Scheme, please contact Lachie McKenna at the ACA on 03 9698 7200 or

Accreditation Board

Brendan Drew - Chairperson, representing ACA.

Joe Connellan - Representing ACA

Jacqui Partridge - Representing Cricket Australira

Shaun Graf - Independent

John McMullan - Independent

*Lachlan McKenna is the Administration Secretary and Manager of the Scheme.

Accreditation Representative Committee

Peter Lovitt

Ben Tippett

Dean Kino

How to become an Accredited Player Agent

  1. Familiarise yourself with the scheme Regulations (including the Code of Conduct and other documents referred to therein)
  2. Familiarise yourself with the list of CA’s Codes and Rules that are available on CA’s website at
  3. Complete the ACA Agent Application Form
  4. Provide your Professional Indemnity Insurance certificate of currency showing your individual name listed as the insured to the value of at least $2 million AUS; and the period for which the insurance is current as per 6.3 in the Regulations.
  5. Pay your $750 application fee
  6. Provide a National Police Check and a valid Working With Children Check
  7. Once these documents have been approved internally; sit the 4 hour Pre-Accreditation Examination (and pass with a 70% or higher mark)
  8. Await referee checks by Agent Scheme Manager
  9. Await approval from the Agent Accreditation Board
  10. Supply ACA with any relevant documentation for players whom you manage, such as a Standard Player Agent Agreement.
  11. Pay your annual fee ($990 for a full year, pro-rated thereafter).

Agent Resources

Application Form
Standard Player Agent Agreement
Standard Player Agent Agreement (Employer Entity)
ACA Agent Accreditation Regulations
© Australian Cricket Players Limited
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